Friday, January 21, 2011

Stairway to Heaven

This stairway gets you from the 1 train to one of the dorms at Manhattan. Something like 136 steps. I walked in today to check on something and thought to take a picture.

Stairway to Heaven


  1. very good shot again, i seem to be listening to the song quite a lot at the moment coincidently.

  2. LOL I hope you didn't slip, it looks like a fair spot to sled down!

  3. That looks like an accident waiting to happen for me. I could go down slower than a snail and still end up sliding on my butt down these stairs.

    Great pic!

  4. Seems more like a stairway to the emergency room...Ice and I have a hate-hate relationship.

  5. @Samuel - pretty crazy that you're actually listening to the song along with my post - maybe i will base pictures on songs

    @Carla - sled at your own risk, it's deadly going down that thing in a sled

    @Shelby - sliding on your butt might be fun, i used to do that as a kid down the stairs at my parents house

    @MJ - if you and ice are enemies, you'd want to avoid these. it's like the NYCDOT neglects to salt them
